so december was full of entertainment, to start things off i arrived in vegas like the 28th of november i think and i found and moved into my apartment on the 2nd took about a week for me to get internet so after i was settled in i played a lot of live poker. it seems like ive been averaging 2500-3000 hands of online poker a day and then like 7-10 hours of live poker probablly around 350 hands on average. the month the first week of play was a little slow and i was just breaking even in live play and when i started online as well. then i hit an upswing in both live and online for about 15-20 days i won 3000$ live (15 buy ins) and 200$ online (20 buyins). then the last week of the month i hit a wall and have been slowly losing money im 1500$ up in live play and im a little over 100$ up in online play. so im still ending the month on a good note but the end of the month kinda put a hurt on my happy endning.
so far living in vegas is awesome to me. the weather is great, lots to do, and plenty of poker. this next month im going to take it a little bit easier because pretty much all of december was a steady grind. im still going to put plenty of poker in but im going to make time for other things as well. im starting to be known in the poker comunity at the venetian, well at the 1/2 tables anyway. the regulars there know me theres a few people that im kinda making friends with. 2 of them are a little older ones like 30-33 and the others probablly 26-28 but we havnt talked poker or anything yet but we give each other heads ups when theres good tables and other things. the other guy is probablly like 25 or so and weve been talkin a bit and exchanged numbers and even got some food and talked poker a little bit. he been grinding for a bit but i dont think hes a 100% professional, but he is a very analytical player with a very open style of play i can see myself learning a lot by playing with him and talking poker, which is one of the things i was looking forward to doing is finding a poker friend so i can talk stratagey and exchange ideas so thats a plus. also some people i have played with this month have told me that my game is verry solid, some of the regs told me they would rather not play with me and that i could even play 2/5 and 5/10 if i wanted, which i think i am very capable of playing both limits but i want to be rolled for it before i do. but hearing people tell me that they respect my game gives me confidence in myself and lets me know things are going in the right direction
today is also newyears eve and i was planing on playing a few hours of live poker but they wouldnt let me park at the venetian unless i was a guest there. so i picked up my vip at the palms for the new years eve party at the clubs there and headed home to blog and get ready for the night. another thing is im in the making of a video that im going to try and post on the blog within the next couple posts. its basically just my routine of life style since ive moved here and im going to try and get some footage of new years tonight so ill try and include that in the video as well. ill make a second video as well but it will be me 24 tabling but it will probablly only be like a 15 minute video or somthing.
displaying my showdown results makes it a little hard to see the details of my win rate but i wanted to show how my showdown results are going. as you can see when i go to showdown (which is the blue line)i am making money, but when im in a hand that doesnt usually go to showdown (the red line) im losing money. it is hard to have a red line that is above positive without having your blue line fall dramatically, but what i want to focus on this next month is being a little more aggressive in pots with people i think can laydown hands, mostly regulars. i would like to see my redline level out a little bit more but that also means that my blue line will most likely fall a bit, but if i can find the happy medium of aggression then my winrate should go a lot higher.
since i was able to end this month with positive results i am going to aim for the same results in january. this really is the first month that my results have been positive from just my play, and im starting to believe im begining to be a wining player. for right now my goal is to be consistant and try and get a decent win rate. after that my goal will be how much volume i want and then i will look to see how much money i want to try and make, but im taking it step by step so thats my month so far things went really hot for a bit but cooled off at the end hopefully january will be awesome as well and the next post will be in 2011. video coming soon so stay tuned
so just to throw it out there live poker the last 2 days sucked but im going to get to that. ill start with the happenings in my slife since theres not much to talk about. uuuumm yeah not much is happend this week in my life well there was christmas but it wasnt super special. since im away from family i went over to my ex girlfriends house. even though shes not there me and her mom are a little close so i had a lunch diner thing with them which was good. its the first home cooked meal ive had in about a month lol. unless you count restuaraunts. but besides that its been the same thing poker poker poker and working out.
now since my life right now is revolving around poker i guess ill get to the details. to start the week things were going good my bankroll continued to grow live and online so i was running good. i wasnt on a heater or anything i feel i was just playing good and things were going good. untill the last 2 days. well its actually the last 3 days cause i didnt play live on christmas. online is going good still my roll sits at 1850$ i was able to get that 50$ reward as well so that helped but i am on an upswing. i dont feel like im on a heater except for one spot but i feel like im just playing good and im seeing good results. im going to wait till the end of the month to post my graph cause i want to post my showdown dollars as well. i think in my last post i said i wanted to be a little more aggressive when in the pots with regulars. i was gonna wait untill next month so i could compare months but ive already kinda started. i mean only a few times but the times where i was more aggressive instead of giving up i think i won but its not a big enough sample to say ive totally switched my game already but next month i am going to try and be a lot more aggressive when in the pots with regulars and see if my showdown dollars change any. as far as live go the start of the week was going great like i said my bankroll was climbing and on thursday i was at 6600$ then going into friday i set a goal for my self and said i wanted to get to 7000$ before the month ended and that same night i was able to make 400$ and get to that goal. the table broke up and i went to another table and "the hand" happend. i had 10 10 in the sb it folded to like the hijack and the guy raises to 6$, cutoff and button fold i call and bb folds. the flop come like 4 7 10 with two dimonds. i check and he bets 10$ i raise to 40$ and he calls. the turn is the 9 of dimonds. i bet 40 and he raises another 40$. at this point i felt he had dimonds its the only pot i was in with him and he seemd like a straight forward played and never seen him bluff. but he gave me odds to catch a full house so i called the 40$ i had about 125$ left. the river was a j of like spades or somthin. i check and he takes a breath, sighs and says all in. pretty obvious hes got a made hand right. so if he was bluffing with kq he made a straight, i still thaught he might have dimonds, also if he had jj he now had a higher set. the only thing i could really beat was a lower set or 2 pair but 2 pair really wouldnt do that so it was an auto fold...... except i didnt auto fold. dohhh!! i tanked for a couple minutes and reluctantly called i felt like i was beat but i wanted to win the hand. in that spot im confident in saying i can get away from a set 85-90% of the time but that time was the time i just couldnt fold it. after that i lost a small pot and decided it was time to quit. i wasnt tilted but i didnt feel like i was playing right after that so i quit. despite losing all that money i still managed to end that day 40$ up haha. but that hand lingered in my head for about a day and a half i wasnt trying to, but i was really beating myslef up over it but i cant stay in the past and i learned from it and moved on. didnt play on christmas and now today happend. first las vegas is packed. like i left christmas eve and it had a bit of people but i came back the day after christmas and the whole city is packed its crazy, the poker room was packed which was good cause there should be a lot of dead money floating around. i sat at a table and withing the first hour took a bad beat. i wont complain about it but i was a 70% favorite on the turn when we got it all in and he sucked out on the river so boo hoo. wasnt a big deal bad beats happen and it was only my second all in bad beat ive had since i started the month so i blew it off. but my table was juicy and there were a few bad players i could pick off if things went right. but they didnt the cards just went south for me and to top it all off i played a pot where i bluffed the turn when a king peeled off which might of worked but it gave the guy 2 pair haha i then my stack slowly went away after that. i was like ill go watch the volcano at the mirage then ill eat dinner and come back and play. all though things wernt going smoothly i was still feeling fine to play and still felt mentally focused. so while i was eating i decided im just going to cut my losses today, come home blog and do whatever else. i lost 600$ today... its the most ive lost in one day since ive been here. but for the week im still up 100$ haha my roll sits at 6000$. i dont think im going to be able to make another 1000$ before the end of the month but im not giving up. there is a lot of people playing in the poker room because everyones here for new years so the games should be really juicy so im definitlly not giving up hope, i usually do give myself a dollar amount to try and reach for as a goal but i just wanted to get to 3000$ up so it would be able to calculated an average wich woulda been 100$ a day but im still doing dedcent i think 2000$ up is plenty fine with me i thaught i would only win or lose like 500$ with all the swings i encounter online but guess not. also if things go right for the rest of the month and then if next month goes as well as this one has i will be pretty close to being rolled for 2/5nl but if i do make enough to play in it i think im just gonna start by playing in it on the weeknds but thats if things go right i still have a while to find out.if i do make another 1000$ though im going to dable in the 1/3nl game at the aria maybe play there on the weeknds or somthing. another thing i forgot to mention in my life section was that my camera took a crap on me. i had it in a bag with a couple things i baught from the store and when i came baack from the casino the bag was wet on the inside and then i had to have a funeral for my camera. i dont know where the wetness came from but the result was the death of my camera. i telling you guys that cause i want to be felt sorry for. lol jk i was going to post some pictures of vegas on here but ill have to do that next post, hopefully ill have some of new years as well it should be a good night. speaking of that topic, i dont know if ill post on the first to recap the month. i might need a day or 2 of recovery before im able to stare at the computer screen or remember what actually happens haha. also i think im going to take like 2 or 3 days off from poker after new years. this month has been nothing but poker. and although im loving it i need to slow down for a couple reasons. i kinda feel it but not fully but i dont want to get burned out and also i need to give myself time to enjoy the other things in vegas. so im going to try and finish the month strong and hopefully things go right untill then and then relax for a couple days and do whatever i need to do. so i guess the next time will be after the new year so gl at the tables happy new year and stay tuned fellow degenerates
edit: so i just tried my old camera one last time for good measure and long behold it works... god damnit, now i might just be on tilt. im not going to return the new one though cause my luck with digital cameras sucks. ive gone through one every year for the past 5 years so i due for it to break eventually. most likely on new years when i need it the most. so im keeping the new one for a spare but yeaahhh...
edit edit: ok so i tried it agian and it doesnt turn on it only turns on ocassionally so its not dependable and i might as well label it as brokt. i need a drink
this post is uber long so bare with me a lot has happend. ok so my last post was on like wednesday i think... i cant remember but anyways since then the rest of the week has been insane. usually i state how i did in poker and then i say things that happend in life but im just going to recap my days since my last post. ok so the day after my last post i got up played some online poker worked out did my usuall morning routine. then i remembered that the cosmopolitan was opening up that day and since i had yet to check out the aria i figured i do both at the same time. (the cosmo is the newer casino part of the city center next to aria.) so i never been to the aria and didnt know how to get to their parking garage so i ended up parking in a parking garage behind planet hollywood. walked to the aria cause the cosmo still had about 3 hours befor it was going to open so i figured id play some poker while i waited. i guess the aria only has 1/3 nl and higher so i was like well since its only like a one time thing ill just play in it this time. i dont know if its a normal thing or if it was just my table but the game was pretty juicy. a lot of players doing bad things. so far i havnt been sucked out on since ive been playing live untill then i had AA against QQ all in preflop for about 150$ each so about a 300 dollar pot and he caught a Q on the flop. i still had like 2 hours till the cosmo opend so i baught 100 more and was like if i lose my stack ill quit but i got some good spots and caught a set and got payed off in a couple spots and actually left the game 50$ up. also at the aria they had a big game going in the ivey room limits of 300/600$ with the likes of eli elezra ,jean robert beland , johnny chan, scott sceiver, and a couple other big names jeniffer harmon and marco stopped in too so it was cool seein some more big names. so after poker i went to the cosmo and it took like 20 minutes to get in and once i got in i could bairley walk there was so many people. its pretty fancy and elegant inside and i guess its the only casino in vegas with windows i didnt notice though. i didnt stay long and left like 15 minutes after getting there. took me like an hour to find how to get back to my truck which sucked and then i headed for the venetian. i while i was playing my table just kept getting worse and worse good players just kept showing up. two kids sat down that i could tell were internet players and i was able to make a good bluff against one. i bet 8$ with 22 one kid called and his friend 3bet to 30$ i believe. it looked like a basic squeeze play which i was pretty certain he was capable of doing with a lot of holdings so i 4 bet to 80$ the one kid folded and the other kid took some time and folded as well he also sayed that if i would have just shoved he woulda called so maybe he had AK there it was my first 4 bet bluff since playing live and at 1/2nl its a pretty rare thing to see a 4 bet bluff. the table behind me though actually had a drunk guy there creating a lot of action so as soon as a seat opend up i switched tables. i dont think i one a dollar off the drunk guy, dont even remember if we played any pots. i do remember one had though a guy 1 to my right was an actuve player and play A LOT of hands, he wasnt super aggressive but he was always in a pot. but on this hand there was a straddle and i had kk in the bb there were like 3 callers and then the guy raised to like 10 in the hijack. i 3 bet to 45 and everyone folded and he called. the flop came 5 6 9 rainbow. the pot was like 120 or somthing and i bet 55$ and the guy raised all in. when i started the hand i had 400$ and he had me covered so i was 200bb deep i took a bit of time thinking and i remeber him raising his draws in one hand and 3 4 suited was in his range i sayed that to him to and he sayed he wouldnt raise in this spot he did a bit of talking which seemd like he wanted me to fold i eventually did and i showed kings and asked him to show and he offered me to buy it from him for 10$ so i did and he showed 5 6 suited. one of the reasons i bet so small on the flop was cause it seemed like it was a dangerous board and could have hit him pretty well. i have mixed feelings if i played the hand right even though i made a good laydown i dont know if i should have checked the flop and called a bet and then saw the turn so i dont know which way was better but i did make a good laydown. i ended the day 130$ up. the next day started horrible. i got up and things were just going to shit. i bairley ate any breakfast. when i was working out i tweaked my neck somehow i like tilted my neck up and then there was pain. i think a pinched nerve is pretty serious so i dont think it was that but it hurt all day after that and even a little the next day. then when i was drinking some protien i spilt some on my shirt. and when i was eating some food i was dropping it all over the place. also i hadnt shave in like 5 days so when i shaved it hurt like hell i dont think i even played any online poker. it was friday by the way. so i was like if poker goes anything like how the start of my day is going then im in for a ride. well i got to the poker room at like 2 or so and sat down at a table and saw a guy had about 800$ in front of him. and after playing with him for a couple hours i realized he was going to give it back to the table eventually at his peak he had 1200 dollars infront of him and a pretty decent condo of chips built up. also a lady that said she was just learning how to play was at the table and then a guy and his wife sat down as well that were business owners and were playing on an ipad and had prada sunglasses on and the works. at one point there was just over 5k on the table at a 1/2nl game so it was getting pretty fat. the lady that was learning how to play lost of course i played a hand with her where there was like 5 limpers and i called with j10 off suit and she called i flopped a straight and bet the pot on the flop then bet like 3/4 the pot on the turn then like 1/2 on the river and she called she sayed she had AA for a set of aces i was like wow you are new to the game. i didnt say that of course but i took like 150$ off of her before she left. the couple that sat down wernt that good either the wife was a bit tight and the husband was a calling station and a draw chaser i played like 3 big hands against him. one was there was like 4 limpers and he raised to like 10$ on the buttton and i 3 bet to like 35$ with 89 suited. everyone folded and he called the flop came ace high and i bet out. he was doing a lot of talking and was like why would you reraise it with AK there you could have kk-jj i guess. and he called the flop anyway. i knew right when he sayed those things i was going to barrel again and barrel again i did and he folded. he hadnt been sitting at the table for a really long time so i didnt know he was a calling station then. the next 2 big hands i played with him i flopped sets and got paid off each hand. the one guy who had a mountain of chips ended up losing them like i thaught he would i prolly only got a 100 though. he lost 1200 and baught back in like 2 more times of 200$ each i was like damn. around 12 some of the big money started to leave and i was way up so i thaught it was a good time to leave to looking back on it i should have probabllystayed cause i was runnin hot it seemed. to recap the day i won 1175$ in 8 hours. wtf right well for me thats like ahuge accomplishment and the biggest score i have had from cashgames. after i left the aria i had like 5k for my bankroll and was like if im able to win anoth 1000 then i might start playing in the 1/3 game there. i wasnt expecting to win it the very next day. im a little hesitant to actually commit to playing there though for a couple reasons. i wanna watch the game a little more and see if it actually is a soft game all the time, and they dont comp you on food. at the venetian you get a dollar an hour for every hour your at the table that you can use towards in room dining or massages and a couple other things. at the aria you get 2$ an hour but i think you can only use it towards rooms and shows and stuff like that. i mean if the game is super profitable there im not going to not play in it cause i dont get free food its just nice not having to pay for food somtimes. now for saturday which was probablly th craziest of the days. i didnt work out cause my neck was still bothering me so i showerd at went to the casino. nothing really happend there and i was even at a table with another drunk guy and a couple bad players i ended up losing like 250 i think but it was allright just the way the cards went i guess. then i had a couple drink at the table to pregame a little before i hit the club up. after i had those i headed to tryst around 10. it was a short walk and i was in line at 1015 i think they opend up at 1030 but i didnt get in till 1045 so a 30 minute wait wasnt to bad. the club was pretty cool they got a big water fall that goes into a small pond that boarders the end of the dance floor which i think makes the whole club pretty much. anyway i had a couple more drinks and was chatting it up with some girls here and there but nothing was happening. i got one more drink and i saw a girl by herself looking at the water fall so i went over and started talking to her. she had an accent and told me she was polish, she was blonde and she said she was from arizona so i shouldnt have to say much more. i asked but i dont think she told me her age but she looked like she was 28-30, but she was smokin. we were hitting it off too and i knew the prospects on this one were very high if i could seal the deal right. i only had two minor problems. one i didnt have and "sword sheaths for my unit". wasnt a big deal though every casino had some at their convenient stores. the next minor problem i had was i was about to layer the floor with puke... seems i drank way too much too fast it had been about a month since i drank and i hit it pretty hard last night and suffered. there was a point where i was like im not gonna make it so i ditched her and headed for the entrance of the wynn. the very second i steped out the wynn i blew chunks in the garden next to the entrance. my truck was parked and the venetian so i headed back there puking my guts out along the way i turned down the wrong street or somthin but i remember looking and seeing the back of the wynn and encore i was like behind the palazzo or somwhere laying on some concrete steps ocassionally getting up to puke. i remember thinking ill be fine ill just sleep here lol. anyway i ended up walking and then i was headed towards some garage and a security gaurd asked if i needed some directions and he pointed me the right way to the venetian. he asked if i wanted to go through the palazzo to get there and i sayed no, now that i think about it im sure he knew i was drunk and basically was trying to get my money into the casino well those are my thaughts anyway. so i made it back to my truck and after puking a couple more times once on my shirt, i took off my shirt and got into my truck to sleep it off. i slept off and on till like 2 pm before i actually was able to drive home shirtless. got home puked one last time and took a shower and went to sleep again. i had a sandwich and water and felt like shit of course and layed back down. then i got up at like 9 and was like i want some chips and dip so i got that and decided i was ready to post on the blog. im just now feeling a little better and i remeber why i only go out like twice a month. a couple things i forgot to say on my last post, one is that my ex girlfriend got shiped off to navy bootcamp last monday. its not a big deal i wasnt trying to get back with her or anything but we are good friends now and it was sad seeing a good friend leave. we only hung out a couple times first time we got sushi and drove the strip and the the last time we went to mgm to see the tigers and they wernt out and then we went to mandalay bay to see the shark reef and it was closed too so on our way back we stopped in newyork newyork and rode the rollercoaster which was a lot of fun. the next thing has to do with new years. i got my vip pass for the palms but didnt book a room. it turns out that you have to purchase at least 2 days and the cheapest they had was a total of 1000$. now im here to have fun and stuff but im not going to spend 1000 on a room for 2 days the vip pass is plenty enough. that does make some things a little bit harded to accomplish though. if i meet a girl id have to convince her to go back to her room if things got hot and heavy. and if she is sharing it with any friends then things might not go down. i dont know if ill meet any girls that wont be sharing a room with friends on newyears so i put myself in a pickle. im not giving up though besides my sexuality is still on the line. if i didnt destroy my chances last night id feel a lot better about myself but of course you see how things ended up. but on new years i will make sure i pace myself.
so to recap poker my live roll sits at about 5900 i think and my online roll is at 1660. i do have the 50$ bonus that im going to clear in the next few days so thats a plus. but so far online i am like truly just breaking even on my monthly recap ill post my graph and show my showdown winnings. next month im going to be a little more aggressive when im in the pot with regulars and see if i notice any changes. i want to finish this month out so i can compare each month and recap them both. live is going good though just the last part of the week was an explosion, hopefully it continues. im going to start buying in the 1/2nl with 300 instead of 200 now. and if i make 2000 more i might go over to the aria and play the 1/3nl, its all just a plan right now so things could change. hopefully for the better and maybe they might go really good and ill be able to play 2/5nl before i leave that would be a huge accomplishment for me buuuut time will tell and untill next time cosmonauts stay strapped in for the ride
wellly welll wellll so far for the month things have been going pretty good except for online poker but ill get to that. the past couple days playing live i havnt really got anywhere and lost like 100 and then yesterday i was able to get kk vs qq all in pre and win back what i lost so as of now my live roll sits at 4450$ so up 450$ i think i started playing live like on the 2nd or somthing so pretty much 2 weeks of play. im deffinitley not trying to make any income from live or onlinebut being able to see positive results is nice even if it is just over 2 buyins. sometimes when i think about live play and live players i dont understand how some people make a living at it or have been able to move up in stakes. i mean compared to the varriance of online players who play 100,000 hands plus a month and somtimes break even or up like 20 buyins and thats like a whole year of live play and then you throw in those train wreck months and anything else and its just crazy to me to see anyone climb the ladder in live games at any decent rate but obviously its possible. as for online, after my last post i played for about 3 hours i think and put in like 2500 hands or so and went on a pretty big heater well for 10nl anyway.
it was one of those sessions where you like just knew you were going to hit a set or make your flush and yeah i ran it up pretty good annnnd like usual it slowly went away haha. it seems like a re-ocurring trend so once i put in a decent amount of volume at 10nl, like 75k hands or somthin and im still break even or slight loser or winner ill really go over my game and try and nit pick some things. im deffinitly pleased with break even results though cause for the past couple years i have been a losing player learning the game even though i was play 25nl-100nl so thats a reason in its self. also i made a couple big laydowns i want to share. first one was when i was on that heater and the poker gods tryd to ruin my action early. i had like 200bb and the other guy had about 150-175bb i think i was first to act but cant remember cause of how it played out but maybe he was first so ill just play it like that he raised to like 3bb and i 3 bet to 10bb with kk and he 4 bet to like 65bb or somthin. at that time i just felt like i was beat it just felt like AA and i wrote in the chat i had kk and folded and he showed AA. i believe thats the first time ive ever goten away from kk pre vs AA but with us being both super deep he was trying to get it all in, hence the massive 4 bet so that helped me to get away from it. the second hand was a limped pot and i was in the big blind with like 10 7 of clubs and the flop came 3 clubs with 3 players i leead out one player folded and another raised. i re-raised and he either re-re raised or shoved i cant remember but i folded and he showed a higher flush. the reason i reraised was cause i felt he might be pushing th ACe of clubs or somthing like that and i didnt want him to draw cheap or take control of the pot and when he shoved i really felt like he had it so i folded with all the raising though i got out cheaply though only cost me 30bb. oh one more hand which isnt that huge of a lay down but ill state it anyway. guy in late postition raises i have qq in the sb and just flat guy in the bb raises then the lp reraises i fold and the bb shoves lp had AA i had qq and bb had KK so that spot wasnt really that difficult but just another laydown to be proud of i guess. speaking of laydowns, going back to live play it really seems to me that im able to make better laydowns playing live i think it has to do to being able to rethink the situation longer and a couple more thing but when i played live in colorado i layed down a flush to a higher flush and here ive layed down 3 of a kind to a full house so it just seems a little easier, plus your really able to see how the players play live so you can tell how they are going to play. i really do take pride in laying down big hands though cause thats one of the ways your going to make money is by not losing money that you other wise would have lost so to me its a big part of poker success, and seeing me being able to laydown a few big hands so far has kinda helped me see that im improving my game even though the situations were a little different from normal play.
now for life outside of poker. so far this month life has been going good. pretty much the same routine wake up eat play poker workout go to the casino come home get on the computer sleep and do it all again. sounds like a grind but im really loving it ( i do shower and eat in that schedule too). this saturday though im goin to try and hit a club up im thinking tryst inside the wynn. a couple guys i was playing with sayed they liked it so since its next to the venetioan ill play poker till like midnight then try and squeeze in there. also today im making reservations for new years eve at the palms. theyre going to have lmfao at club moon and then like a couple other fancy dj's at the other clubs there and then of course the playboy club and the ghost bar is there as well. but an all access pass is 375$ on and 400$ on so im gonna take the cheaper one of course. at first i was like holy shit 400$ i dont know but then i thaught about it and was like ok its new years eve in vegas im down here to have a good time and i know ill remeber this new years for ever. im going to get a room at the plams for the night as well mainly cause i plan on being severly intoxicated and theres no way id think about trying to drive or even staying up to sober up to drive so a 150$ room for the night is fine i havnt checked the prices its prolly closer to 200 seeing how its nye. also it will give me a chance to have some company ;). now if im not able to drag some tail back to my room in the same building, in the same building on new years, in the same building on new years in las vegas... then im seriously going to question my sexuality and might turn gay from then on out. now if i dont try to hit on any girls then or if for some reason i dont pace myself and get too drunk and cant do it then theres an excuse but im deffinitly going to try. now im no ladies man but i have been talking to girls a little since ive turned 21 so im comftorable enough to hit on them at clubs. so this is a no excuses spot. either i pull some tail or i turn gay the next day either or theres no inbetween lol.
anywhoozle so thats how my month is going so far up just a tad in live and breakeven online. so if you didnt want to read all that boring stuff you could have skipped to this line i suppose. sooo i guess imma get back to some grinding and ill post again sunday unless somthing horribly awesome happens so lattteerrrrrs
even though i started playing poker last friday ill just record this as a week. ill start things off with life i suppose.things are going pretty sweet right now im loving my apartment and where i live i still dont have a couch or t.v. and i dont know if im going to get around to it. to be honest its really not a priority to me. ive been working out everyday before i go to the casino so im keeping that routine. its not a crazy workout its only like 20-30 minutes long. also im going to try achange up my hours a little bit i was waking up around 730 8ish everyday playing a little online poker working out then going to the casino for like 8-10 hours but im going to start going there later and play later into the mornings to take advantage of any drunk gamblers or other recreational players. it seems during the day there are more locals and all the other players arnt gambling as much. i havnt gone clubbing yet or even drank alcohol as a matter of a fact. i know whats wrong with me. i was thinking about going this weeknd but i wanted to play last night after midnight so i didnt go, but i think im going to go next week im not sure where but maybe tryst. as far as the lady scene there deffinitly an abundance of hot girls here but 95% of them are from out of town so i doubt theyll go on dates or somthin like that (getting together after the clubs is a different story). i do have my eye on a massage girl that works in the venetian and plan on talkin to her in the next couple days. most likely get reject and she'll use some sort of line like she doesnt go on dates with poker players or clients but we'll see how it goes. id say for vegas scale shes like a 7.5 with 10 being a model or somthing, but for alaska scale shes like a 9.3 or somwhere around there. so i guess im shooting high but who cares its not like when i get rejected it will be akward anytime we see each other. oh wait it probablly will lol. gotta make it interesting somehow right? anyway so yesterday the venetian was holding a charity tournament and a lot of big named pros were there tod brunson, antonio esfandiarri, jennifer tilly and the 2 baloons she calls breast were with her too. but yeah so it was cool seein them i wasnt over estatic to see pro players but some people were haha. i dont even think they anounced who won lol. i guess its time to move onto poker talk now.
so this week went decent i suppose. when i first started playing i lost 150, then i sucked out on a guy who over bet the pot on the turn and got up to 200 up. on a side note there are a few things i hate that people do. i hate when people lead out after i was the initial raiser, i hate when people bet so fast that theres no process like insta betting every street, and i hate when people over bet the pot like on the turn if i have a super draw. the last one doesnt bother me as much as the first 2 but its up there. i can understand if you have the nuts on the river anf theres no action going on and you shove theres logic and stratagey behind that play but on the turn when the pot is like 75bb and you lead out for raise for like 150bb its anoyying i mean maybe he put me exactly on what i had he had 2 pair on a board that could have had a straight or sets so his action seemed even more weird afterwards, he seemed to be a decent player its just i dont understand the play. anyway besides that boring explanation. after that for the middle of the week i dont think much happen i think i won and lost like 100 here or there, then i lost one day and was in the red for -15 haha i think i put it on my last post. and then friday happend i started the day out and there was a super aggro kid there pushin everyone arround, theres really only certain profitable spots to bluff in 1/2nl but my emotions got the better of me and i pulled a river bluff on the kid and he layed down his garbage most likely. so i was up like 125 for the day then i won a couple more hands and was up to like 250. and then i hit a couple more big hands later and i was up 700 i was like alright things are going good untill i got laughed in my face by the poker gods. there was a guy that was on a heater for a couple hours he when everyone would limp if he didnt limp as well hed make it 6 or somthin, he was doing that to create a bigger pot so he could win more and in certain situations its not a bad play in my opinion but he was doing it a lot. we tangled though i had QJ of clubs and there were a couple limpers including him and i raised in late positionone player called and he called the flop came k 10 9 with two clubs so i was like sweet nut bomb in my face. he lead out and i think i just flat called. the turn was a club wich sucked cause it would kill any action and he could have a flush as well. he lead out and i called again. somtimes i raise in that spot but i didnt there. the river was a blank and he bet, not very big i thaught a bit. there was another person in the hand as well and he only had like 50 left and i wanted him all in and the hands the other guy has been playing he could have easily had a smaller flush i decided to raise like 50 bb more. i really didnt want to miss value there if he did have a flush and if he had the ace flush he would reraise and id fold the one guy folded and the main guy called and sayed if you have the ace flush you got me. i was like shit and he turned over like K 3 of clubs i was like damnit. really poker gods you give me the nuts just to take it way on the turn like that you sir are a dick lol. so i got got coolered there and my stack fell to like 350 i was still up 150 for the day so it wasnt so horrible. me and him tangled again and i had 10 9 of hearts and the board came 10 high and he bet out all 3 streets and i think there was a possible flush there as well but i just felt like i had him and my gut sayed call so i made the hero call for a big pot and won and my stack was back to like 600. the guy started bleeding off his stack after and i dont know if he left a winner or not he was up to like 8-900 at one point. then i did a couple small bluffs that went wrong and got in a couple hands that didnt go right and my last hand i called with second pair and after all that i was down to my initial 200$ buyin i was like im going to quit im not going to leave a loser break even is bad enough after all that. so friday was a crazy swing fest for the day. i went back yesterday and within the first few hours lost 200$ i just had second best the hands i was in i did make a couple questionable calls but yeah. but i kept grinding and hit some cards maade some sets and got payed off a little and was able to come out 400$ up so i dont know if im going to play live today or not i kinda got some other plans but im sitting in the black as for now.
to make another review on 1/2nl live. like i stated in the last post it plays a lot like 5nl online preflop, and after the flop it plays like 10nl, but also it seems people can make better laydowns there making laydowns id see at 25nl. but all together it plays pretty close to 10nl wich sounds great but the biggeswt problem i have with it is its so slow to get to the right spots to make plays and everything like that. im patient and i wait and dont rush things its just annoying seeing a profitable spot or seeing a profitable person to play againts and in a couple hours they leave or the situation never comes up, and in online it comes up within the hour. but dollar p[er dollar im making more money live. even though i make more live i like online better so far most likely cause i know it more and your always in the action. oh i almost forgot to recap my online play. theres not really much to recap though. i havnt played much cause i didnt get a computer desk untill yesterday and anytime i played it was on the floor were i was all cramped up with my back bent and everything so i only put in an hour or 2 a day i got 3500, hands in and im down 20$ so 2 buy ins. i started playing all 24 tables a few days ago and got back into the rythm of things. i will most likely put in a few hours today of online play so maybe i can turn a profit, also im like 78% toward a 50$ stellar reward on pokerstars so if i put in a few hours everyday i should be able to get it before the new year and it resests. so that will erase some losses anyways. oh and i think im going to try and make a video within the next couple weeks it will be pretty low quality but i think ill just show my home setup and then maybe me going to the casino or somthin im not sure but yeah i do want to make a video. theres probablly other stuff i want to mention but cant remember as usuall but this post is long enough i think so untill next time. sheath your swords and beware of discoloration :)
add on: i forgot to mention that last night around 130 am a guy from norway and his girlfriend sat at our table. he looked super familiar and i was like are you from alaska he sayed no and i sayed you looke really familiar were you on t.v. and he sayed yes i was like wsop? and he sayed no and then i was like OOOOhh you were on high stakes poker. ill try and add a clip of him from high stakes poker but yeah i played agianst him for like 30 minutes before i left never got into a hand with him but it was pretty cool i guess
hey lookie there i actually did it right im getting the hang of this blogging thing. askillz2 super blogger at the rescue... anyway yeah thats the guy that sat down
alright where to begin. wellll the last post i did was the day before i left colorado to come to vegas so ill start from there. i left my aunts house in colorado in the afternoon and headed to vegas it was like 850 miles or so and took like 14 hours or somthing if i can remember right slept on the road for like 6 hours or so and got to vegas around noon. when i arrived my insides were turning and i became super nervous for a lot of reasons. first i have never lived by my self and this would be the first time i had my own place second it was vegas and last it was just crazy that i actually went through with moving here for the winter, but after i got here i went to my ex girlfriends parents house and pretty much just hung out for the day my ex showed me a couple apartment complex's she thaught were nice and i drove around a bit. the next day i did some more apartment shopping and decided to go with like the first one i looked at the day before. its a really nice apartment complex with a gated community in a new part of town i got a really large one bedroom 1 bath for 635$ a month its almost to big for me i dont have living room furniture so it looks really baren in here right now. and im realllly procrasanting on buying a couch and new t.v. for the living room im just lazy and dont want to spend the time moving it in and out when it comes time to pack up and move again. buuut on the downside if i bring any potential victims errr i mean girls or any one over for a mater of fact and i dont have furniture it might be a little okward sooo i dont know i might who knows its a coin flip. it only took me like 2 days to get an apartment once i got here and then one day for them to shampoo the carpets and i moved in the next day so it really didnt take long at all. and ive been in it for about 4 days i think and justy got internet set up so tomorow i will start grindin online as well. so far since ive been here my nerves have calmed down and i love living here so far. i love my apartment and i love going to the city and the casino everyday its been great so far. ive been playing at the venetian everyday and im pretty sure ill be spending 95% of my live play there. its just they have a good staff good games theyre right on the strip and the poker room is right at the main entrance from the strip and easily seen from the casino so a lot more tourist play in the poker room versus some of the casinos where the poker rooms are in the back and you ahve to go search for them to play. but all around its a really nice place to play. i was talking to one of the dealers today that also plays there i think he plays 1/2 and 2/5 but on ocassions he plays 5/10 so i asked if i could sweat him when he plays 5/10 and he sayed yeah so that will be cool. also i went down to the bellagio and checked out their room, i dont really care for it there tables are super close together and their staff dont really care about low limit players but i was just looking around to check it out and i walked by a room in the casino with a wpt sign in front of it and saw men the master nugyn or however you spell it but he was walking out so i sayed hey and he threw me a 5k chip.... jk hahah no i saw him walking out so i looked inside and there was a wpt event going on with cameras and everything i was like oh ok i think it was the main event for the wpt. only saw a few big names like antonnio esfandearri, scott sceiver and a couple others. big name poker players arnt really rated high in my books to me either are famous people they are just people to me but it was still cool seeing people i seen on tv in real life. i didnt stick around long and went back to the venetian.
as far as my play and 1/2nl play goes. right now im down like 15$ haha. the day i started i lost like 150 then i ran ok and came out up 500 and then the past couple days ive lost and now im down 15$ part of it was getting use to live play and figuring out some things and twerks about live play but yeah so far pretty much just break even. im still sticking with 20 buyins for live play so i got 4k for a live roll. its deff. different playing live. for one raising 3x the bb pre flop is okward to players a normal rais is 4x-6x i dont like raising a lot preflop cause it just feels like throwing money away when you miss or have to lay down and other situations. so i lean toward the 4x raise now for live. i started raising 3x and i would always get like 4-6 callers so i up'd it to 4x and usually its only like 2-3 callers. another thing is there are a lot of limpers and if you raise in position and one calls they pretty much all call so isolation plays only work a few times haha. and then theres bluffing issues. id say the main money ive won have been from bluffing and the main money that ive lost so far has been from bluffing lol. its deffinitley a fine line if your too aggressive with your bluffing it never seems to work and and if you dont bluff then you dont win very many hands. but at those limits i think being a nit is the best way to go but its sooooo hard . i mean i dont get bored playing live but if i think of a situation or a play it takes so long for that situation to come around again for me to make the play. some plays i still notice that work is isolation raises pre flop and then continutation bluffs on the flop. those bluffs and then bluffing regulars are like the only bluffs you can count on so im pretty much going to limit my self to those. or at least try and limit my self. as far as the play a 1/2 goes it plays aaaa lot like 10nl online. well it plays like 5nl preflop it seems like and then 10nl after that. theres hardly any 3 bets except with premiums usually so thats kinda exploitable. but all in allif i can stay patient and play nitty or somwhat consistant, then i shouldnt have a problem coming out ahead bare minimum break even. it would be really awesome if i could win enough to move up to 2/5nl for the last couple months im here but we'll see. im not really here to make money at poker although i wouldnt mind it but its more for the experience and everything that goes along with it.
so tomorow really starts my schedule. ive got a routine ive got planned out but we will see how it goes. im going to wake up eat and play online poker for 3-4 hours then work out and then head to the casino for the remainder of the day and do that day in and day out. of course ill make time for other things as well i still want to have a lot of fun outside of poker, one thing im interested in doing when it gets really warm out is possibly going sky diving most likely just once but yeah i think i might do it. as well as go clubbing and see some shows and other things. the mma fights are coming up i think in like a week between koschec and gsp i would like to see that but its kinda late in the game to get decent tickets so ill have to wait for another one to come up. also dating... i dont want a girlfriend but i do want to take girls out on dates just for the company and enjoyment and stuff like that so im working on that im still a relatively shy guy but im working on it so what ever i do post about girls will def. be entertaining most likely me making a fool of myslef. oh and also big news for me lol. ive got my first public follower. i know a couple friends look at my blog from time to time and a couple family members well my dear old mommy was my first follower of course but besides her ive got my first public follower so im movin up in the world woot woot. yeah i know im a loser. so i think ill post again sunday after i get home from the casino so untill the gangsters keep yo 40's full