Monday, October 14, 2013

Pushing past comfort zones.

Day game will teach you many things that you can use in all aspects of your life. One of which is being able to push past comfort zones.

Fortunately this Isn't only going to relate to day game but your whole life in general. Comfort zones can be both great and horrible. You can feel comfortable with a person to be able to connect and relate to them or you can also live your life in fear because you are too afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Not being able to step outside of your comfort zone can be what defines a persons life. If you think about it almost everything you have had to do in your life you probably weren't 100% comfortable doing. When you were a young teenager going for your drivers license were you comfortable taking the test or were you nervous, when you went after that job you really wanted did you ever second guess yourself? Or how about that girl sitting over in the corner of the coffee shop practically begging for you to go talk to her.

Without stepping outside your comfort zone you simply don't experience life. A quote I heard said " you have to become comfortable at being uncomfortable". Meaning that you have to be ok with the thought and idea that being uncomfortable is ok.

Do you want to pursue a new career but you are scared of the possible negative outcome? Do you want to move up stakes in poker because you feel you are ready but you are afraid to lose money? Are you staying in a relationship you don't care for because it will be too hard to find a new one?

The only way to grow, push forward, and experience better things is to take action and push past your comfort zones. If not you simply missed out on what could have been, but you won't ever know because you didn't step outside your comfort zone.

Are you living life?


  1. awesome post mate

    still following your blog, and its still an awesome read. that last post is almost inspirational and defo made me stop and think.

    1. Thanks man! I actually plan on making a website here in within the next 6 months with a blog that will be more focused on these types of posts.
