Saturday, March 31, 2012

march review

this month will be noted as my month of accomplishments. poker went extremely well and i learned a lot in this month about pickup, probably the most since ive started practicing it.

poker was pretty interesting to me this month. i ran pretty good for about 3/4 of the month and then had a little turbulance at the end which was pretty much just a week of breaking even. this whole month at the poker tables i have been really confident in my game and i think the results will show. ive also been loosening up a bit mostly from the hijack to the button and really been taking advantage of spots that i havent done before. after this month i think my style has changed a bit i wouldnt really define myself as a tag anymore but im not as loose as a lag so im about inbetween and so far i like how things have been going. unfortunitley this is going to be the last full month that i will be able to play live because i am leaving the state on april 15th. also i will probably on have about 10 more sessions or so inbetween that time because my mom is coming to visit for a couple days and then i have to move out of my apartment and do whatever else so yeah there wont be too much poker left for this winter season. however, when i get settled in alaska i am going to get an account on merge and start playing on there. ill probablly just deposit like 500 and try and grind it up. my main goal with playing online this summer is to basically just keep my mind refreshed so that im ready to play for next winter. it will be cool to see if i can grind 500$ up to like 2k or somthing like that but im more there for the experience than the money. im really really considering moving to florida more and more next winter. the only thing that im really concerned about is my truck has 110k miles on it and a round trip to florida and back is 7k miles so it might be a gamble trying to drive there. my truck is in really good condition but 110k miles is a lot. anyways ill think about that when the time comes. i really cant wait for next winter to start grinding 5/10 and actually building a roll that has some significant value to it. anyways my results for the month are +7234 which is the most ive made from poker in a single month and im super stoked about. curently im making 32$/hr over 610 hours. its not a huge sample but its a decent one for live. if i have a upswing or downswing my hourly rate would probablly flucuate by 4 or 5 dollars an hour but as a general median i think 30-34$/hr is pretty much my winrate. im hapy with my winrate right now and im actually doing better than i expected. ive been playing for 4 months so far and ive made 18k so things are definitely going well. at the begining of the winter i gave an estimation that i would be able to make 20k in 6 months and 25k if i ran pretty good. so im pretty close to being at my goal and its only been 4 months which im also stoked about. although the last week i have made some horrendous calls on the river that costed me a pretty penny and hurt my winrate a bit. in those instances i out leveled myslef pretty badly and pretty much was thinking way too deep for what the situation really was and it costed me. lesson learned. so yeah thats how poker has been going. hopefully i can finish the next couple weeks strong and be able to make my 20k this winter. fingers crossed.

i was also able to get to another milestone in pickup as well. not really anything i can back up with stats but pretty much just my thaughts about how it is going. at the beginning of the month pickup was going ok i guess and than i purchased a training program for daygame and it really taught me so much. i have a different perspective on daygame now and it seems like im more eager to go out and run game than i have before. i dont have any numbers to back this up but im pretty sure this month i have done more apporaches than i have ever done before in a month which is good if i had to guess i would say around 50. i think i was able to get a total of 5 numbers but some flaked and the others i lost interest in or somthing along those lines. the program i got has got a lot of really good information in it and i know its going to step my game up tremendously. that is one thing im looking forward to this summer is running game after i get off work. because from what i remembered last year before i really got into daygame i know i missed a lot of great opportunities especially during tourist season, also ill be living downtown so it should set itself up for some decent results. thats all i really have for pickup. things are progressing for sure but at a slow rate which is fine. takes a bit of practice to master this skill but its worth it.

lastly is the life section. well i already mentioned that my mom is coming for a couple days so i dont really know what were gonna do but we'll find things to do. after she leaves i will probablly pack up my apartment a week later and then on the 15th ill be headed to newyork for a week with 2 friends which is going to be awesome. not a whole lot has really happened this month though, pretty much just poker and pickup which is fine by me. i kinda do feel bad though and these were my thaughts last year when i was in vegas as well. im in these pretty cool cities and i pretty much spend most of my time playing poker and now running pickup. i mean ive done a few things and ive gone out to clubs and stuff but i could have taken advantage of both cities a lot more. the only thing with that is the more time i spend away from the tables or not running pickup than the less im going to succeed. so its a give and take. you can bet for sure though, if i live in florida next winter and im winning at 5/10 than things are going to be more exciting and i will definitely take advantage of miami and for sure the beaches. so thats about all for the month, i feel comftorable in saying that its been my best month since ive been here and im happy with how it has gone. so until next time cosmonauts. stay tuned :)


  1. nice results mate

    who needs internet poker when you can make that much money in a casino

  2. i still like playing online. if i had my way i would probablly 24 table online for a few hours everyday and then go to the casino for another 6 or so
