Sunday, October 2, 2011

climbing the ladder of success

i turns out this last week has been a lot of mixed results. i guess i will start with that girl whos number i got from last week. ok so i ended up texteing her and shockingly!! there was no reply. i didnt want to give up there, and wanted to see if i could use this technique i learned to be able to get them to answer my texts. so i used it and she replied so i was able to start a conversation. sadly i could tell she lost interest and the convo only lasted about 10 messages and she was out of my life forever and i cried... i cried like a 10 year old girl whenever justin bieber and saleena gomez got together... yeah intense. lol. it wasnt that bad and heres why.

so monday i had some things to do so nothing happend .tuesday i ended up going to the mall and saw this cute girl at this cafe'/ coffee hall place. so i approached her. the coversation only lasted like 5 minutes because her mom ended up passing by and she had to leave. she was 6. no jk she was 20 but before she left i told her i wanted to get to know her more and got her number. so had a little success there. that was about the same time when the first chick flaked on me so i didnt feel to bad cause i just got another one lined up. wednesday i went to this strip mall area where theres a few cafe's and stores, usually that place doesnt really produce that many results but i did find a cute girl sitting by her self in a coffee shop so i started to talk to her. wow! is pretty much all i can say. she turned out to be a pretty big crazy bitch hahaha. it was like approaching a girl at a night club whos got an attitude. it was an interesting conversation though and found out that she thaught if people were together for more than 6 months than they should be considering marriage. she had some pretty drastic views. oh yeah she said she had a boyfriend. i feel bad for the guy, theres that saying that goes "dont stick your dick in crazy" and it probablly couldnt have been put better for that girl. anyways wednesday i think i just took it easy and started to talk to the girl whos number i got. she seemed pretty receptive in the pickup even though it was a short conversation so i wasnt sure how it was going to go when i contacted her. she ended up being a little wierd though and basically ended up not wanting to try to get to know me even though we did talk for a bit. sad face :( lol she did have a different personality than mine and she even said that. but i could tell that she was a troubled girl. a hot troubled girl and those girls are the ones that are pretty fun in the bedroom, so thats why i tried to contact her in the first place. anyways thursday i think i just took it easy, friday i think i went back out to the mall but no results. and to finish the week was saturday.

so i didnt go out during the day on saturday. i hit my friend up to see if he wanted to go out during the day and night and he said sure but between the time of me getting ready and going over to his house, he ended up passing out for like 4 hours and i didnt feel like trying to do day game at like 5pm. i ended up hanging out with another friend for a few hours before me and my other friend went out on the town for the night. so to start the night it was raining. which sucked but that wasnt going to stop me. we started at this first bar which was a pretty popular spot and i did a few approaches but nothing worth while. we ended up going to another bar and hung out there for most the night. at that bar i actually did probablly about 5 approaches and a few of them went pretty well but they all had their complications. so i ended up getting a girls number at that same bar about a few weeks ago, well one of the girls i approached was her friend who i didnt even remember haha. she was like so we meet agian, i was like what? - you dont remember me sreiously. --no no! i do i do i was just kidding (but i really didnt remember haha). anyways i couldnt really talk to her or her friend she was with because a lot of the stuff i was going to say she already heard from our conversation a few weeks earlier so that was a no go. i ended up approaching another girl that was pretty cute and things were going pretty smooth and i was making groung, then her drunk grenade friend comes up behind me and is like SIT DOWN! im like what. SIT DOWN your blocking my view. i was like what view. SIT THE FUCK DOWN. jesus bitch calm down haha. i told the girl i was talking to that i was going to leave cause her friend was crazy. which obviously was the grenades motive. i dont even know why cute girls have grenade friends that they go out with. unless its like there defense so they wont get hit on for the night haha. so the last set that me and my friend approach seemed pretty receptive and i think things could have went places. especially with the girl my friend was talking to. of curse though there was another road block. the girl i was talking to had a guy friend that kept like trying to talk to her, it turns out that he liked her but she didnt type scenario, either way he was 275 pounds and he was messing up my set. i still have a lot to learn about "the game" one of wich is dealing with amog's (alpha male of the group), my friend ended up having the same problem a guy came over that was the girls friend and started talking to her and basically took the conversation away from my friend so we both basically hid road blocks. i think i hit on a couple more girls but that was the legist of the night.

me and my friend were talking and he was telling me how alaska is pretty horrible at all aspects of nightlife and female selection. ive heard it before and also thaught the same thing myself. he went to college in oregon and told me that the nightlife outside of alaska is so much better for trying to run game. which im pretty sure it is.
i hate to try and sound like im making up excuses but the bars/clubs in alaska as well as the girls. really arnt the best callibur for trying to run game. which is another reason i cant wait to get to seattle. im really interested in seeing if i get decent results in a big city. so it will be interesting in comparing the 2. im pretty sure that most of my readers are poker players since this was originally a poker blog and im sorry i havnt really had any poker material for the past 4 months or so, theres just no poker scene up here but a couple more months ill be grinding 2/5 in seattle so the blog will get back on track. also im not sure if i stated this at all in the past 3 months but ive been working out pretty consistantly, and in 3 weeks i will have finished a 16 week workout routine and i will post the picture results. not like i turned into a meat head or anything but from only doing at home excersises i think i got pretty decent results.

so this might have been my last day off for a month. we might end up working nonstop untill the end of the job so i dont know if i will be going out at night on saturdays. i will keep running day game. although i havnt got any true relsults i have got a lot of results since i first started. at first it was me trying to over come approach anxiety, after that it was keeping the conversation going, next it was trying to close them or get a number, now where im at is learning how to make them not flake on me. which mostly consists of building a lot of comfort in the original conversation which im going to try and do this next week. so its step by step into success but im eventually going to get there.. i feel it. so those are my thaughts this week and i will report back again next week. untill next time cosmonauts, stay tuned ;)

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