so this will most likely be a short post but ive got a few hours before i need to go to sleep and decided to fill you guys in on my night out. well when i got home from work i needed to do laundry. i actually hate doing laundry now that i live in this apartment not due to actually folding clothes or anything like that but because the dryers in my apartment laundry room take literally 2-3 hours to dry your clothes depending on your load size (thats what she sayd) ehhhh ahha i had too. anyway after laundry and taking a shower and what not i ended up going to sleep for about 4 hours. my intentions were to get as much sleep as possible wake up hit the clubs and run a bunch of game on females and then depending on how the night went i was actually going to play poker. i found a home game up here when i first got back into town in may but its super low stakes .25/.50 which is pretty lame for a live game but its all i could find ive only played in it a couple times and its actually pretty profitable game for how low it is but the problem is theres not that many players and it can range from 4-8 players most of the time on the lower side and they mostly buy in for 20$ a couple times and then their done so its not like your gonna make a load of money its more so just to get my poker fix and stay fresh with the poker scene. anyways back to the night. i told a couple guys from work i was gonna go out and chase skirts and they elected to tag along which was pretty cool.
theres one main club that i go to which is a pretty good spot for females. its loud in some areas but theres also areas that you can hear each other relatively decent which is one reason i like it. thats also one of the main reasons i dont like night game so much is because of the fact its so hard to hear each other at times. so i got there about 20 minutes before my friends from work did and just before the club really started to get packed and i was just kinda mingling around checking things out and looking for "prospects" when i met up with my buddies. the club started to actually get pretty full and i made my first approach which went somthing like this * tap on shoulder* me- hey her- hi! me- so you should totally buy me a beer her- what! hell no. i have more to that routine which i can play that line off as being a cocky guy and it usually works unfortunitley i stumbled on my thaughts and thats how far the convo got lol. so after returning to my buddies with my tail between my legs i told them about this theme party at another bar/club called judi gras. its basically a crappy excuse for mardi gras that the club throws, anyway we quickly left that club and went to the club throwing that theme party. when we arrived we found it was pretty packed. for me though there wasnt as many beautiful girls as whatd id like to see. for me thats about 7.5 and above on the hottness scale. there were a lot of 6's and below as well as a bit of 7's with a few hotties thrown in there but deffinitly not the quantity i was looking for. besides the fact after getting drinks i found 2 girls i went up and started talking to. one was probablly a 6.5 she was cute but nothing super special. i ran some routines on her and the conversations went really well actually then i introduced my friends and kinda left them at that. mainly cause i lost interst in the female i did a couple other brief interactions with other females but nothing special. my friends ended up hanging out with those 2 girls for the whole night so i hung out with the group on and off for the night while looking for better options but they never really arose. i think one of my firends got one of the girls numbers but we ended up leaving and we split up.
so after we split i decided to go on a little adventure for myself. theres a 18 and older strip club that stays open to 5am and the bars close at 3. so i was feeling a little adventerous and decided to take a stroll to "sin rock" its actually probablly my favorite strip club in alaska. its not like i got to them every weeknd maybe once every couple of months but the girls there are more in my age range between 20-27 and there way cute.
so usually strippers will sit next to you and try and convince you to get a lap dance or whatever ,which i hardly do. i mostly just sit at the meat rack and throw dolla dolla bills at da bitches, but when this stripper sat next to me to try and run her bussiness i couldnt help but think. how hard is it to get into a strippers head. now i know pulling a stripper is actually really hard to do unless the club is also a brothel. i also knew that there is more of a mental game involved in trying to make a stripper actually "attracted" to you and not just looking for your money for the night. it seemed like a challenge so i tried running stripper game. i dont really remember the whole context of our conversations but every chance i got a tried to get into her head and take a more advance physcological approach to the situationg ranging from anything from my body language to the way a spoke to her and the contents of our actual conversation.
i actually think i got her kinda intrigued about me. not saying she was head over heals for me or anything she is a stripper after all but i think she was actually thinking on a second level about me and not just as a client so to speak. she eventually had a guy that wanted a lap dance from her which lasted for the rest of the night so i wasnt able to see the conclusion of how my "game" actually played out on her but it was intriguing to me to say the least
thats about how my night went though, im starting to realize how night game can be looked as more of a training ground for your approaches and it really feels like it is. you can try things out in the clubs where its a social invironment see how well they work so when you use it during the day you already know the affect it has. anyways this post actually turned out to be rather lengthy so sorry for the miss conception i do plan on doing some day game this next week so ill have to recap on that when i have time. untill next time captain