Thursday, October 25, 2012

october review

i know its almost a week before the end of october but seeing how i'm not going to have any more results i will just post now while i can. this post will most likely be pretty short due to the fact that not a whole lot happened this month.

 poker went decent actually the main thing i did this month was switched from playing 8 tables to 4 tables. i guess im just not the 24 tabling phenom i use to be or maybe i just dont have the time for it either or. anyways i actuallingy like play 4 tables as weird as it seems. i think in general i am more of a live player now and i like live poker more than online now. so in that case i like being able to make my decisions and watch my tables while i play online. thats my excuse anyways and im sticking to it :p i was able to make a whopping 3.75 buyins this month lol. i was actually up about 6 and then my last 2 sessions i played 25nl and my first session went ok but my second i lost 1.5 buyins due to just running shitty. i was able to amass an astounding 3350 hands. woooo haha. looking back on the month though for the poker that i did play i liked how everything was going and felt i played pretty well for the most part.
daygame was pretty slim. due to it pretty much almost being winter here its almost like people go into hybernation mode and dont really go out that much. when i did go out to run some day game i really didnt have that many opportunities to talk to girls. i was able to rack up 8 approaches but i didnt get any numbers or dates :( its all good though. soon enough ill be in southern california where i plan on just crushing day game. looking back on what i was able to accomplish this month with daygame i again felt pleased with my performance. with day game and poker its like a never ending cycle of me trying to get better so im consistantly trying to improve which i see as positive.

 the life category has been the worst i suppose. since i have been working 12 hours a day everyday this month my life is pretty much just sleep work, poker, and daygame. i did go out to lunch with the girl i was seeing for most the summer and hung out with friends a couple days and a couple lunches here or there but nothing real exciting.
some bad new for me though im afraid. theres talk of us staying and working till november 10th, which is actually my bday. it will set my schedule back about a week which in all reality isnt that horrible but i really want to get the fuck out of this place so i can be in LA and grinding 5/10 and doing the things i want to do instead of working 12 hours a day in the freezing cold. right now its kinda like we might or might not be staying but im just pretty much going to say we are. i mean its an extra paycheck but sometimes money isnt everything expecially when your going boarderline insane.

 either way eventually ill get out of this place and be doing the fun and exciting things i want to do. ill be moving out of my place in about 5 days so this will be my last post for probably a couple weeks. ill try to update when i can and fill in on the adventure but untill then stay tuned cosmonauts :)

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