so i went out downtown thursday night to where all the bars and clubs are. it was my first time ever going out on a thursday and it basically lived up to my expectations. it wasnt super popping anywhere. i first went to this club that looked like things were happening. when i got in i realized they were doing a beer pong tournament and ended up seeing a couple guys i went to school with so i talked to them for a while i talked to a couple girls just casually though so nothing really sparked. i ended up leaving that place after a while and headed to one of the more popular bars downtown and it was realitively busy. i ended up talking to 3 sets all had 2 girls in them. 2 of the sets didnt really go anywhere and the convo stopped shortly after starting but one of the sets was going decent and one of the girls seemed a little interested so i felt like i could work a little magic. in the middle of the "attraction phase" she cuts me off and says see that guy right there he rapped my friend... great, so that killed the mood and any positive feelings i had building with her. i ended up leaving that bar after like an hour of getting there. i walked downtown a bit to see if any other places had anything going but it was all pretty slow so i headed home.
so now friday came around and i was pretty pumped cause the clubs were going to be packed and full of fertile female just waiting to sweep me off there feet and drive off into the night.... sorry i went into fairy tell mode there. anyways it was about 8pm and my friend texts me saying he wanted to do somthing that night i was like cool whats up. he said he wanted to go bowling and then check out this bar near the college campus that was supposed to be a hot spot. it was a little different than what i had planned but the college bar sounded like it might prove profitable. i got to his place at like 10 and him and 3 of his friends were there so after short introductions we headed to the bowling alley. it turned out to be pretty fun and entertaining and we were next to a group of young hot girls so it was even better. at one point i was grabbing a ball while one of the hot girls was and hit on her. about 3 minutes later they all left.. ahahhah i think they were just done bowling for the night. thats the excuse im going to use anyway. so afterwards we headed to the college bar which did not exceed expectations it wasnt even packed for a friday night and they had kareokee going. i havnt been around kareokee that much so that part was entertaining but the female selection was horrible and there wasnt anyone i wanted to approach. later that night a couple older girls came up behind me to order drinks, one of them was relatively good looking for a girl in her 30s so i was like why the hell not *turn around* " you guys arnt trying to jump me are you" and the conversation took off from there. unfortunately she had a grenade friend. in order to get in good with the "target" you have to get the grenade to be comftorable with you. so i tried to create casual talk to the grenade while teasing the target to creat attraction. the problem was the grenade was starting to get a little more "friendlier" with me. shit shit shity shit. i switched my focus to the target and started to run my "game" on her ahhaha
later in the convo one of there friends comes up. she was a bit younger and cute i was like ok here we go. she wanted to leave though but they wanted to take a smoke break and stepped outside. one of the other guys i was with was in the conversation as well and he stepped out with them to smoke. he came back in about 10 min. later saying they left. he also sayed that the two girls wanted us to go back to their house for drinks but the fucking grenade did what she does best and blew that fucking shit to hell and basically ruined the situation. well thats what i got from his dicription anyways. so i guess i didnt build enough comfort with the grenade.
so i saved the best for last of course, saturday. ill just jump straight into the nightlife. so theres like 4 or 5 major night clubs in alaska and when i say major i mean big for alaskas standards. anyway i have a favorite that i like to go to and decided to stay at that club for the night. i think i got there a little early but it was snowing like a bitch outside and didnt want to show up late and wait in line for 20 min. i got there and ordered a drink and saw two girls to my left so i started a convo it was more of a convo to create "social proof". another pick up artist technique. i ended up getting a pic with them just for the hell of it.
i also believe i came to an abrupt break through that night. especially with what was about to happen. i now believe that girls dressed attractively like wearing short dresses and skirts and all that are more open to getting physical, versus a girl in casual clothes. sounds simple but usefull. strangely enough 2 of the guys that i went bowline with showed up at that club so it was cool getting to know them a little better and actually had some people to talk to there. i talked to a few more girls before i stumbled across her-
she might not look as hot as she did in person (best excuse i used yet) but she was in a sexy dress and had nice body. so yeah she was in a group of like 4or 5 and they were all getting drinks so i went up to her and started talking to her, after her friends got their drinks they kinda said hi and then walked away. i was like wow they didnt even try to pull her away cool. so i talked to her for like 5 minutes before she went to find her friends or somthing like that. about 15 minutes later i saw her walking by and threw a straw at her to get her attention. hahahha thats the ultimate pick up technique right there. just throw shit at them. so she stopped and i started to talk to her again the funny thing was when i talked to her the first time for some reason she thaught i was gay. so now talking to her it was more so me trying to convince her that i wasnt as well as some other topics. also the guys i was with last night were right next to me whitnessing the whole thing hahaha. after about 10 minutes of talking i was like "here lets go ill prove to you", i grabbed her hand and headed to the dance floor where she began to prove to me she knew how to fucking dance. wow. a few minutes into dancing i swing her around and slide her hair away from her face and we began exchanging tongue techniques. she now found out i wasnt gay. we kept dancing for about 10 minutes all the while making out and getting pretty physical. after all that, we got away from the dance floor and she wanted to give me her number. things were going perfectly. after that she said she was going to find her friends and said she would find me before they left if her friends went somwhere. i shot her a text about 30 minutes later and she said she got in a fight with one of the bouncers and they all left. fuck. the worst part of it all is that she was from california and she was leaving on monday. which didnt leave anytime to create anything outside of the club. i texted her the next day to see if i could create somthing with the time she had left but it was a no go.
so thats how the weeknd went thats the better results ive had at the clubs in a while so id like to think im progressing. and from now on i believe i will be hitting on a lot more girls dressed like they want attention lol. also i might use the "im gay" routine to start the convo it might produce some results. ill have to test it out. sorry the post was long but there was a bit of details. if things keep up like this ill jsut try to keep the juicy stuff in the post. well untill next time cosmonauts. stay tuned.
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